Friday, December 13, 2013

Wrapping it up

This journey thru social media has been an enlightening experience.   It has definitely changed how I look at and use all the wide open options available.

For the business that I am helping market and bring into the social media age, this class has helped me explore new platforms.   At this point in time, the business has not grown but that’s ok. It has started getting a following both of customers who have already used the services or potential future customers.

I definitely have a better understanding for the options of social media and that it more than just sites like Facebook or Twitter.

Being able to see both the personal and the business side of the analytics has shown to me that businesses do use and look at the data to create new ads or marketing promotions.   That a business does not have to hire an expensive advertising firm or spends lots of money to get their name out there.   Social media now can personalize and more directly market to the customers a business wants to attract.

There are so many options out there and so many countless way to use them for both personal and business.  It has changed how I view it and how I will use it.

Taking a journey isn’t always about the travel – it also includes the learning and discovery of new things that change your life.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Future in social media

           This semester I discovered that social media isn’t just for posting pictures of your cat, your food or other random pictures.  For my own personal use – I have “checked-in” someplace, “liked” companies on FaceBook, and looked at Yelp reviews and more.  Now I have learned how a business can use that same information to market the customer.  Tea Around the World is in its own little unique niche.   Yes – we would like the company to grow although that can be a little hard since in is almost completely a one-woman operation.  The business side comes from catering tea events for the customer.   Although the planning part is easy – the prep (creating the menu and creating all the delicious treats & desserts) can take up to a week.

         For this business, we have decided to spend one day a week updating and adding to all the social media options.   Spending lots of money for advertising isn’t an option at the moment – but some of the $5-10 Facebook ads will be re-evaluated again to give it a try.   This may not sound like it’s a lot or that we are interacting with the customers and followers enough.    The plan is once a week on Facebook, to pre-schedule posts that are going out at least every other day.   If there is an event we have catered or another afternoon tea location that has been reviewed – then that will give us even more content to post.
         FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Instagram will still continue to be the major sources for social media outlets.  They all seem to partner well with the type of business this is.   Using the FaceBook and Google analytics will definitely be used to show not only where people are clicking and linking from but what the demographics we are reaching.

      Looking at the analytics has also helped us start thinking of the future and how to advertise.   Instead of just thinking about today and the immediate events that are planned or locations being reviewed.
      Some of the longer term plans we are putting in place (for blasting on all social media) is holiday specials and discounts.  For February – we are going to try to target a more male audience with discounts and reminders about ordering sweet & sinful desserts for their sweethearts.  And for March/April – advertising for Easter treats and baskets.   Also adding to list for advertising and using social media to make our presence known is to use newsletters once a month and link it to the website and Facebook.   A new goal is to find and partner with as many local afternoon tea locations to be featured in our newsletter and a new blog on the website.   We are already being featured in a local hotel to host an afternoon tea over the holidays which will get our name out there.   We are also in the process of re-doing the website, brochures and business cards to include all the logos where we can be found on social media.

    It may be a little slower to grow and create a larger presence on the majors forms of social media – but we are excited to keep trying and discovering new ways to get our name out there and advertising the business (sometimes at little to no cost).

We are excited about continuing down these new paths to help the business thru the adventure and journey called social media.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Continuing use of Social Media

Trying and learning about these new social media platforms has been a fascinating discovery.  
 I now look at things different in regards to marketing, advertising and the various social media options.  Since I have been able to apply what we are learning for a friend’s business – I have not only had to take into consideration the type of person she is and how she runs the business, I also had to learn how to encourage her and break out of her own shell & reservations about social media.  
 For the business – FaceBook has definitely been the best and the easiest to get involved in.   Facebook along with Pinterest and Facebook analytics will definitely be used on a daily and regular basis.   Using options like being able to check-in at a location (like having afternoon tea) will be another feature from Facebook that will be used a lot.  Although we both like Twitter – neither of us see how that can be kept up like it should be.  Instead we are replacing it with Instagram since we are always taking pictures of the events and delicious desserts. 
Now the process begins to re-vamp the company website to have the link for the various social media options and make it more user friendly.  Also by doing that- we can utilize the Google analytics more and get additional feedback. A monthly newsletter is in the works, along with seasonal specials and promotions.   Posting questions to our followers has also been something that we will continue to do.  It creates conversations and we can see where we need to improve.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

FaceBook analytics - a helpful tool

      There have definitely been some up and downs and it was interesting to see the changes. Just in the last week – the jumps in page like and totals reaches has more than doubled.   To be able to see if anyone has shared the page or how many new likes each week.  It also showed that the page had one unlike.   It gave me a chance to change the date ranges around to see when I had more traffic to the site and how many days were there was nothing.  It doesn’t mean that no one was looking or reading it – it just listed that no one liked it.  I had heard the term “net likes” but this explained it and showed it.  Since none of the likes on the page are paid or from ads – it made it easy to decipher.   One of the biggest pieces of that I discovered was where the external referrals were from. Almost none were from Yahoo or Google.  All the referrers were related to the class or were from blackboard.  

       Most of the major spikes in changes and growth – happened when I posted questions to respond to or in this last week when I posted a place to have holiday teas.    Of course there was also a bigger spike from the other students liking the page.   Being able to see the difference is a nice tool.

        I can see how this would be a useful tool to check on a weekly or monthly basis.  I could see changes both positive and negative.  It can help show when a new post generates traffic or creates comments and likes.   Of all the tools - this one was the easiest to use and understand.    This will definitely be a tool that I will be using over and over to help keep interest in the site and lead to more business.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is there a Handbook for Dummies - Google Analytics? I need it

      Just when I think I understand all this social media and how it relates to business and marketing – I learn there are more options.   Back in the “good ole’ days” – advertising consisted of an ad or two in a local magazine or newspaper, maybe a few radio commercials and an ad in the yellow pages phone book (that’s a paper copy of or Google for all you young whippersnappers).   Now I feel I need a playbook or a book for dummies to decipher some of the new on-line marketing tools.    I finally figured out how to understand some of the tools Facebook uses to provide information to businesses.   
    And then there is Google analytics.  How to understand what a tiny business like this one can use or needs to help grow was hard.   Some of the features that I plan on studying more and adding to are content experiments (that will help me test new ideas for my webpage & make it better); Search Engine Optimization (need to know how potential customers found their way to me); real-time reporting (find out immediately which parts of site customers are looking and how many are on my page); Flow visualization ( where they came from and how they click around my website); and campaign measurement ( are new promotions & specials working).  There are other features that aren’t applicable to the business (like mobile apps/ advertising reports) just quite yet.   
         One of the things that I learned from the book was “” (ok… it took me a bit to figure out I actually had to replace “mybusiness” with ‘teaaroundtheworld”.)   This popped up via Google all the different links/ articles on the website.    
        There are so many amazing, useful and overwhelming options to promote a business digitally and through social media.     

Following the path to grow the business in this new journey.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Coupons / Groupons - good or bad for business?

Coupons – good or bad?    Is a customer only buying a product or visiting a restaurant because they have a coupon?  Would they being doing the same without a coupon?    I have mixed feelings about Groupon and LivingSocial.   Both sites have some terrific deals on just about anything.  There are deals that I have seen for things I had never thought of  - but want to try because I have seen a coupon for it ( Hot air ballooning, art classes, cooking classes and more).   I would be interested to talk to businesses that use this type of marketing to see what the return business is after  a coupon has been used.   

This business “Tea Around the World” doesn’t have a place for coupons yet.   We tried our first few deals on both on FaceBook and emails and it didn’t go very well.
We are definitely all for doing promotions and special but due to the size &

scope of the business, it needs to be on a more manageable and controllable level.

If in a perfect world – we were adding coupons to the business marketing side; it would be discounts on the treats or having a formal afternoon tea event at ½ price.    Also I would be looking at other companies who also do formal teas (like the US Grant or Grand Del Mar) to see if they offer Group on or see if we can partner with them to offer discounts.
There are businesses that do really well with coupons or discounts and it increases business and presence for the company.

Walking further down the road on this journey of social media…..

Other tools for business marketing

All the different options to market a business.   As a business owner – you want to try them all.  Use any means possible to get the company name out in front of as many people as possible.    It sounds all great in theory… until you realize that you have to keep updating each one of those on a continual basis.    For this business “TATW”….advertising is tricky.   Being a sole-owner who not only creates the events, but makes all the food for the events – that takes time itself.    Having the company name out there is terrific – creating a buzz and getting bookings is even better.   But they can only be done one at a time.  If there was a store front or the business had more employees who could handle other events at the same time, then looking into various forms of marketing would be ideal.
Currently, we have decided to stick with the main 4 social media sites to do any advertising (FaceBook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+).    Later we are thinking about adding Instagram or Flickr (for every time we add a new treat or package); MeetUp (for other like-minded tea lovers to meet for afternoon tea) and LinkedIn for other people in the business and get our name out there on a more professional level.

Although this company has been in business for over 10 years – super fast growth or multiple locations is not a priority at the moment. 
We are excited to try adding new things, but then there is the question of who is going to monitor it and keep all the sites updated and relevant.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Using Social Media for advertising without breaking the bank

The only way to use social media for marketing and to keep it cost-effective or free is to keep the posts eye-catching and relevant.  Create posts and tweets offering specials or coupons or run contests.  All of these options are reletively free or low cost or the outlay of money (as in giving a product or service to a contest winner) will create return business which then is more return money.   Posts asking questions – gets the followers involved to post something themselves and come back to read what other people have written.  Also have links to other similar businesses. Just keep posting, tweeting and pinning is the best way to keep the business name out there at virtually no cost except a few minutes of time involved.  It does take more patience to use this kind of advertising since it is not in the consumers face (like a TV or radio ad) nor does it use ‘bells and whistles or music “to capture the potential customer’s attention.

 For example – this business “Tea around the World” is located here in San Diego – so it’s a lot of local southern CA clients.   The owner travels all over the US and world visiting other locations that also specialize in afternoon tea events.   She then writes about them and has pictures on her web page. A guest might see the “TATW” FaceBook or tweets but isn’t local in CA – now can find maybe a similar service more local.    It helps both businesses to partner with each other and refer each other since they are not in the same location – they are not in competition with each other.
I have created various Facebook posts (questions/comments) to be released at various times over the next few weeks:

  • Do you have a favorite treat (other than scones or biscotti) that is your go-to treat with your tea?
  • Would you rather host a formal tea party or take your friends to one in a hotel?
  •  Suggest a favorite dessert you might have seen on Pinterest….Follow us to see if we add it to our menu of delectable treats.
  • Help us reach 200 followers – we are almost there!
  • Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and on our website.
  • Have a favorite location you go for afternoon tea (hotel, restaurant, tea house or garden)?  Suggest a new place for us to review. Maybe we will see you there!!


AD Blogs commented on


Ads Ads Ads

Ads ads ads…. What are they good for?   To get the consumer to buy things they don’t need? Ads for this type of business seem strange and un-needed at this point and I don’t think would be effective.  I do think ads have a place in society – but we are overwhelmed with them from TV to now before movies in the theater to every radio station, Pandora channel and even the video games that are played. 
If as a company – we were going to start advertising (and now I really want to if it was in the budget) – I would start with FaceBook ad and also by boosting posts.     How does a small company – find the money for an advertising budget?

There is the boosting of post (at a fee) which will repeat a post for a one day and keeps it at the top of a news feed/timeline. While ad can be longer duration, have up to 6 rotating images available and be more specific in the type of target audience being reached. Then there is still promoting the page – can still target specific interests, locations, age and either run consistently (which will add up very very fast) or have a cutoff date.
Twitter has a similar concept with different kinds of ads Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends.   Although Twitter may be faster and more immediate and are also targeted to the follower’s interactions & who they follow.  I do like that for some of the ads – that the business owner only has to pay when someone follows them or does some type of action (responds, re-tweets, etc).  I didn’t like that there wasn’t exact pricing for placing ads or promoting tweets – that it is all a bidding system based on how much the business is willing to pay per tweet/follow/click.  Nor could I figure out a way to create an ad or campaign very easily.   Unless I was absolutely sure and ready to do ads on Twitter – their site was not user friendly in my opinion.

Banner ads for the top of web pages might be more far reaching – but they also seem more expensive (although I did find some free websites for creating the ads).
Currently this isn’t the type of business that is considering advertising.   This business is a sole owner/sole-proprietor who does everything.   Since most of the business comes from referrals or word-of-mouth... its keeps it at a managable level.

Eventually the goal is to open a brick & mortar location and then ads will have a place and a budget to create more business traffic and following.
These are some sample ads - but since I'm not too sure how to really create ads without actually getting charged or if I'm even on the right page about these - they may not be true ads.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Newsletters - useful or annoyance?

Newsletters… are they just one more thing to be briefly read and thrown away?  Are newsletters considered “Old school” in this new era of digital fast paced media age?  How may newsletters does a reader get a day or in a month?  Whether these are digital or mailed – there is one from the bank (provided – the reader only has one bank), the credit cards, the kids schools, the college or college alma mater, the medical insurance and anything else that the reader follows or subscribes to.  Then there are the annual ones from the dentist, the doctor, and the high school reunion committee and of course the family holiday newsletter.  Do we want more from another business, does the reader need more?

Ideally the initial response is Yes!.... no more newsletters.    But in all reality they do serve a valid purpose – from informing the reader of new changes in policies or membership (credit cards, banks and medical) to letting the consumer know of new store perks or a new location or specials (and retail operation).

For this business – a newsletter will only be useful seasonally, possibly like once a quarter.     Until the business gets a brick & mortar location (its coming – hopefully next year) this business is a special events type business or reviewing (and comparing other companies that have formal teas). 

Some of the content that will be important will be other locations being reviewed, holiday specials, dessert special pricing or holiday treats.  Also it can showcase pictures or reviews of places visited (the website does that now – but not on a regular basis.  Also information about teas, delicious treats that are a perfect pairing or maybe an appropriate recipe.    Listing other blogs or websites to follow and reasons why, might also be useful to the reader.   Using special events (birthdays, anniversaries, mother’s day and bridal showers, etc.) to use for reasons to host a formal tea event or journey to a location that provides an afternoon tea can also be showcased.

Since this is such a specialized company, it might be hard using a newsletter without repeating information although it might be an interesting endeavor to make sure that the newsletter is creative and looks just a beautiful and enticing as the image of a formal afternoon tea.

Taking the next creative step of this digital journey…..

Using Categories and trying to be organized....

Trying to be organized can be a struggle for everyone in some aspect....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Just how personal to be...

I personally think it depends on the type of blog that is being written and the type of readers being targeted. 

There are some terrific blogs that specialize in certain topics (Disney enthuisitists, Star Wars fans, mommy bloggers, political followers, and more).  These type of bloggers are writing about their passions and interests - so their personality will definitely show through and be an attraction to their followers.  These types of blogs can talk about family, friends, traditions and opinions and include personal pictures

While on the flip side – there are business (hotels, restaurants, sports teams, retail stores) that need to keep their blogs more on the professional side.   These types of blogs are promoting their business, upcoming sales, upcoming events, and their own company news.   Personal opinions and feelings are not a part of that blog. Also – maybe there is a team of multiple people writing and keeping it up – so unfortunately – personalities and personal stories can’t always be a part of the blog since it is not a part that business’s culture.  These type of companies might ask for the customers to add their own personal stories about the business to the company blog (may even hold contests about it) but the general blog will be more generic about the company.

In my blog – yes I’m adding my own quirky personality for a couple of reasons  - it’s my blog, it’s for school and although I am promoting a business, this blog isn’t totally about that business. Even after this class, I want to keep writing about my traveling gnome. Eventually, I might add pictures of the travels.

And the jaunt through social media continues.......

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Twitter - to use or not to use

I have a good mix of companies / businesses from companies thatalso have   afternoon teas to individuals who have a passion for tea to actual tea companies.  Initially I just entered the word “tea” and that brought up many companies and bloggers to follow. I didn’t have to play around too much to find what I was looking for.    To begin with I started with the following:
TeaQueen                       @TeaQueen
The Tea Spot                  @TeaSpot
English Tea Store           @englishteastore
Tea Appreciation            @TeaAppreciation
Teavana                          @TEAVANA
American Tea Room       @americantearoom
Art of Tea                         @artoftea
Samovar Tea Lounge       @samovarlife
Adagio Tea                       @AdagioTeas
World Tea Media              @worldteamedia
The Grand Del Mar          @theGrandDelMar
L’Auberge Del Mar           @laubergedelmar
MCC Social Media            @MCCSocialMedia
MiraCosta Business         @mccbusiness
MiraCosta College            @MiraCosta
It has been interesting to read some of the tweets from these companies.  I was surprised on how easy it was to set up an account and start reading tweets.

At this stage in the business – I don’t know where tweeting will fit in.  I can definitely see why people like using it and maybe down the road it can be incorporated into the business.

Taking the next step into the journey of social media.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Following other similar business on social media

Just when I think I have finally figured out this social media, I learn a new side to it.

I have spent many hours getting ‘sucked” into Pinterest… and have used some of the terrific ideas and recipes found there.  Now – I was having to change the way I was looking at it. Changing my way of thinking and discovering how a business can use Pinterest to attract customers like me.

Although I couldn’t figure out how to link the FaceBook and the Pinterest… I did create a post on FaceBook for people to follow.

I thought I would have no problem finding similar business to Tea Around the World, but it was a little more difficult.  I just didn’t want to use hotels that provide an afternoon high tea; I wanted to find companies similar that also celebrated tea.

·        Bite Catering in Los Angeles, CA

They are local company that does afternoon tea catering.   Their website is very informative and has lots of menus and ideas but they also have links to other companies and locations to hold an event.

They do have social media presence – but it looks like it’s primarily on FaceBook and Twitter. They do have a blog to follow.   They have also had one of their chefs on the Food Network which has gotten their company name out there.   

·        Anyone for Tea  in Los Angeles, CA

Another local tea catering company specializing in vintage style English tea & cocktail parties.   The exciting draw for this company is it is started by an English actress from the TV show “Days of our Lives”.

The website is creative and desirable to look at.  There are YouTube videos right on the home page featuring a beautiful tea event. The company does have additional social media presence on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram along with reviews on Yelp.   Their presence on these social outlets seems to be working well for them since I found them very easily when searching.

·        Afternoon Tea.

 I chose this one for an international flare. This company is a little different since they feature venues that feature afternoon teas all over London, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Very descriptive information about each location, with prices and tantalizing images.

They have a huge presence on social media.    I found hundreds of images posted by them on Pinterest and Facebook.   Also when you click on the “Share” button on their webpage – it links you to over 330 different options (a majority I had never heard of) to share with anyone.

I did research some other companies that had great website but no links to any form of social media.

·        Tea Traditions in San Jose, CA      

·        Tea-Upon-Chatsworth in San Diego, CA

Another adventure down the social media path…. Now time to relax with a cup of tea.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Visual Social media platforms

Visual social media networks are great, since it can express a message or feeling instantly through an image.  Finding the right platform can be hard.  The business wants to be able to reach the right customers and followers while also being able to keep up with the social media through the uploading of pictures, blogging or posting items and events for people to follow.  The business owner can’t just start it and hope that people will keep returning but not seeing any new information.

In my small experience and exploration of discovery with visual social media platforms, the ones that I found to be the most used are Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and Flicker.

The ones that I think that will currently work for the business are Pinterest and Tumblr. Both require uploading of pictures and they are also about linking and following others with similar interests.  Due to the type of business, Instagram wouldn’t be a good fit at this point (maybe in the future) since there are events happening on a regular basis for the consistently photographing & uploading of images.  Although it does give the opportunity for growth and something to think about in the future.

To begin a new adventure… you must take the first step.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Future Posts

This old dog can still learn new tricks.  Who knew?  I am always trying learn, grow, change – that’s one of the reasons I am pursing a degree after all this tine.  I didn’t think it would be all that hard coming up with future posts for the business.  Then I had to start thinking of the people that would see the page and want to keep coming back.  What wuld capture their attention?  So the first few posts will be simple.  This is definitely a feature that can be used to benefit the growth of the company

·         The 1st one is just a simple question

·         The 2nd is a recommendation for a local hotel that has a formal afternoon tea

·         The 3rd is an upcoming special Halloween offering.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

7 businesses to "LIKE"

The decisions a business owner must make normally include the hiring process, the making of their product/service and interactions with their customers.  In the fast growing digital world and digital marketplace, now those same business owners must learn to navigate social media.    Since I am promoting a friend’s business, I had to understand that her company is not just about tea.   She takes extreme pleasure in making all her delicious desserts and pastries and knowing the pleasure the recipient will have.   While looking thru her website, I asked her to tell me more & heard her passionately talk about the food, the tea and the gatherings.     In choosing what I was going to “LIKE” for her business, I decided to her ask about her suppliers and training and her favorite places for tea parties.   The initial seven that I choose reflect the businesses that have meaning to her.

* Verona Chocolatier - the best chocolate she uses in all her desserts

* Bigelow Tea – one of the many choices of teas she uses.

* Tevana – loose leaf teas from all over the world  

* The Royal Tea Club – another FB page dedicated to lovers of tea and tea parties.

* Set to a Tea - consultants who specialize in tea parties

* Victoria /Fairmont Empress Hotel – one of the favorite places to have afternoon tea.

* Harney & Sons – tea supplies and customized designed tea flavors.

In my opinion, a company should “like” companies that they deal with or have business with. It can also be other companies that do similar business.   For example – one of the pages that I “liked” was the Fairmont Empress Hotel. The hotel is known worldwide for its afternoon tea since 1908.   They might do the same thing as Tea Around the World, but they are not in direct competition.   Maybe a “Like” can also be showcasing someone else’s blog or event.

And I continue the exploration of social media…….

Monday, October 7, 2013

Learning to understand FaceBook definitions

A company wants to make more money and reach as many potential customers (past, present and future ones) as they can.   With this digital age and the need for sitting at home on a computer no longer a requirement, companies must learn and grow and target their customers in the best ways possible.  FaceBook is one of those ways to target and reach untapped markets.  Now the test is learning how to utilize FaceBook (and understand some of their particular terminology) to benefit the company’s needs and goals.

Discovering the difference between post reach and post engagement was a little tough for me.  First of all not being familiar with how a business operates on FaceBook - these terms didn’t make a lot of sense and I seemed to come across conflicting definitions.   Besides FaceBook – who define it as Impressions & Reach; other websites define it as Post reach & Page Visits, engagement & insights, and engagement rates.

So in my understanding…

Post Reach: is defined by the number of people who see a FaceBook post.  This can be either when it is first posted or while it’s in a newsfeed location and other people respond to the post.

Post Engagement: is defined by how fans/customers interact with a post or FaceBook page.   This can be when then Like a page, add their own comments or share a post or page with their own friends.

The difference is important because a business can learn what visitors are just glancing at in the NewsFeed or what they are stopping to Like or share with their own friends.   It will help a company learn what promotions are working or what captures a visitor’s attention.  With some of the other tools and metric systems that are available on FaceBook, this can also be later narrowed do to age of visitor, location of visitor or how you might compare to a competitor in a similar business industry.

And I continue on this path of new discoveries and learning while I traverse this new land called social media.

UPDATE: turning passion into reality

Who knows what can happen when you start talking to co-workers.

I had just posted my blog the night before about the hypothetical company I was going to do my project on.  I happened to be talking about it at work…. Low & behold one of my coworkers already has a similar company but had never thought about using social media to promote her business.   Not only is her business almost exactly along the lines of the business I was going to “try” to market.  She already has a client base and a website – but had never gotten any further than that.   She is really excited to have me update her website and start the ball rolling on her company’s social media presence. 

So I now will be continuing the project for a company called Tea Around The World.   She does personalized formal tea events, makes & delivers all types of sinful desserts (even if not having a tea party) and has studied all over the world.

Here is the website if you want to check her out

Sometimes traveling and new discoveries doesn’t even require leaving you own back yard.